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Ignorance and Fandom: Content Provider


''Ignorance and Fandom'' strives to raise bring attention to the social issues in the geek community. We are long time fans and cosplayers of different ethnicity's, orientations, and ages. We hope to increase conversations through sharing our insights and experiences with discrimination, harassment, and misrepresentation in order to make fandom a more diverse and open place. The panelists are: Callie Calypso, Ashley Easter, Frank Hui, Helena Isis, and Hana Li.

Ignorance and Fandom: Cons and Cosplay
Elm (Friday) 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM (Rated: Mature)

Ignorance and Fandom: Media Representation
Addison Theater (Sunday) 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM (Rated: Mature)

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