Artists, Clubs, and Organizations may register for a 6' Exhibit Table in one of All-Con's three hall galleries. The base table comes with one badge. Only items created by the exhibitor or bearing the name/logo of the organization being sold in support of the organization are allowed. Vendors are not permitted to set up in the exhibit halls.

Additional Exhibitor badges are discounted from standard attendance rates at the time the table is purchased. Once the table has been purchased, additional badges are available at the going public rate.

Power is available for a flat fee of $25 for 10 amp service. Exhibitors are not permitted to seek out or use hotel wall plugs.

The Exhibit Halls are public areas. Every night the exhibitor tables must be cleared of everything not meant to be carried off by the general public. (Flyers, business cards, etc. are acceptable.)

Even though the gallery hours are posted on the schedule, the halls do not close. As late as an Exhibitor has staff to man their table they are welcome to remain open.

To reserve your table and make payment online, use the shopping cart below.

Thank you for your interest in All-Con 2014. All Exhibitor, Artist, Promotional, and Fan tables are sold out. To be added to the 2014 stand-by list and / or to be contacted when the 2015 sales begin, please send an email with your name, company/group, and type of table you are seeking to:

To reach your audience at All-Con, we also recommend advertising in the souvenir program, which is an alternate method to begin your relationship with the convention. Click here for more information.

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