Online Panelist Application

All-Con screens all panelist applications. Not every application is accepted. Once your application is submitted, you will be notified within 4-6 weeks whether or not your panel has been approved. All-Con may, at our own discretion require the submission of additional information such as a panel outline for content.

Panelist Badges

Panelists must purchase a badge good for at least the day(s) they will be presenting. (Panelists who already have badges such as vendors, exhibitors, previously earned volunteer badges, etc. need not buy another.) Discount codes for online badge purchases will be provided via email when panels are approved. For 2-5 panel hours the discount code will be worth $10 off. 6+ panel hours will receive $15 off.

Panelists without confimed badges after February 25th may have their panels changed to "unconfirmed" status with the possibility of losing their room and / or time to confirmed panel content.

Panelist Agreement

This application is for organizers to propose the conducting of discussion panels, workshops, events, demonstrations, competitions, and performances at All-Con. To qualify, applicants and their co-presenters must agree to and be bound by the following points:

  • Presenting and participating in content does not qualify for Volunteer hours.

  • A discount code is provided for panelists to purchase badges in advance. Panelists without badges will not be given access to the convention.

  • Participants are responsible for their own transportation, meals, hotel room, supplies, and expenses.

  • All-Con DOES NOT provide free A/V equipment. Please be prepared to bring or hire your own (laptops, projectors, screens, displays, etc.)

  • All-Con will not organize or add panelists, speakers, or performers for your proposed event. Please make sure you have sufficient people to cover your proposal.

  • Content should be structured around 45 minutes of presentation with a 5 minute set-up and a 5-minute teardown. The start times are at the top of each hour.

  • Upon acceptance, panelists and co-panelists must submit a one paragraph biography, photographic headshots, and linkable web banner for convention promotions.

Form Object

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