Join The Postcard Mailing List

All-Con is fantastic fun for thousands of people every year. We appreciate that you found our website and are taking an interest in the convention.

We know that not everybody checks up on the website year-round. For that reason we mail out traditional postcards three to four times a year. It gives you something to clip to your calendar, hang on your refrigerator, or give to a friend when we come up in conversation.

If you would like to be included when we mail postcards out, simply submit the form below and you're in!

You may notice that we now ask for your email address as an option. Postcards are mailed three times a year. If you would like to learn about the convention as it develops, send us your email address and you'll be subscribed to our newsletter which is emailed every-other month during the off-season and monthly as the convention approaches.

For our electronic newsletter we utilize Constant Contact. This gives you a safe unsubscribe link and Constant Contact protects your email address, preventing excessive SPAM from independent third party mail services.

To become an event volunteer sign up through Yahoo Groups, or to receive the electronic newsletter, please use the links below.

Click here to join all-convolunteers
Click to join the All-Con Volunteers group

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