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Krystle Starr: Cosplay Guest of Honor


Krystle's very first convention was actually a date, one of the weirdest, craziest and adventurous dates she has ever been on. The colors of all the costumes and artwork dazzled her eyes. She was so mesmerized that she decide to go back the next day with something of her own, which ended up being a hit!

''I've been addicted ever since. When I found out that William Shatner was coming to town, one of my father's idols, I decided that I would write an article about it in the school newspaper and take my father. He loved it! After covering a few conventions for the school I decided I wanted to do it for myself because I can't be in school forever.''

Krystle teamed up with Adam Samaz and together they created, a website devoted to entertainment. That was more than four years ago. They cover most conventions in Texas. Aside from the creativity, games, merchandise, celebrities, contests and all-around nerdiness that can be found at all good conventions, the one thing that keeps them going are the friendships they have made over the years. ''You couldn't ask for a better group of people devoted to the culture we love and support.''



What is Cosplay? Passion, Obsession, lifestyle.
Pecan (Thursday) 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM (Rated: Everyone)

What is Cosplay? Passion, Obsession, lifestyle.
Maple (Friday) 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM (Rated: Everyone)

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