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Don't Tell My Wife I'm a Cult Leader (Screening)
Addison Theater: (Saturday) 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Presented by: Todd A. Steinberg; Matt Rox

Floyd Landers is leader of a religious cult. The first few years were fun, but Floyd finds the constant adoration annoying and keeping his fanatics in check is a big bother. Though most cults have to be secretive by necessity, Floyd has to take it the extra mile since his wife, Mandy Flanders, would divorce Floyd in a second if she found out that his bookstore 'employees' were actually brainwashed slaves.

Inevitably, his two lives clash, and Floyd must spend quality slack time rebalancing the charade so he can quickly get back to his low-key and easy-going lifestyle. Since Floyd favors quickness instead of caution, he'll often have to backtrack on his lies and bluffs, forgetting which story he told to whom, creating deeper holes that he will have to crawl out of at a later time. Ironically, as he restores balance, the chaos is multiplied and in the aggregate, Floyd's life gets more interesting.

Rated: Everyone