"Clothes don’t make the hero, but they are a good start!"
The convention can’t end until the heroes take the stage! All-Con and BDG Studios is looking for a few good heroes, (And villains too!) Super-Hero Sunday is not just a costume contest; it’s a pageant for super-heroes and super-villains. We all love the costumes, but we also want to know what makes you a great hero or villain, what your powers are, your weaknesses, and what you do to promote truth and justice (or dishonor and injustice if you are a villain).
Are you ready to join the ranks of the super-heroes? Do you have what it takes beyond just a really flashy costume? And what about the villains? What is a super-hero without a worthy adversary? Then you should compete in Super-Hero Sunday! All you need is a costume and a vision!
To be a part of the contest you will need to register at the BDG Studios table and make
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sure to line up with the other contestants about 10 minutes before show time so everyone will be ready before the audience arrives and the competition begins. Be in costume and in character! You will be asked an array of questions about your qualifications as a hero or villain. BDG Studios will be giving away various movie posters and DVDs while supplies last with registration. Thanks to sponsors Echo Bridge Entertainment, After Dark Films, Dark Sky Films, and various theaters. No stranger to costuming or the stage herself, BDG Studios co-founder Drusilla will be on hand to host the contest along with a panel of judges.
Established and well-known heroes from comics, movies, and television are welcome as are new and original creations the world has never seen before! The panel of judges will take your costume as well as your performance into consideration. Original characters, from the serious to the silly, are always encouraged, but equal credit will be given to the familiar ones. With that being said, creativity of the new and knowledge of the old will go far with the judging. So if you opt to decide to go with an established character make sure you know about them and not just what they look like. |
Trophies will be awarded as follows:
Best Children’s Hero/Villain
Best Super-Hero (Adult/Young Adult)
Best Super-Villain (Adult/Young Adult)
...and the grand prize!
Best of Super-Hero Sunday (both categories are eligible to win)