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Join All-Con for 3 Full Days of Convention Fun

This is a call for all Superheroes, Side Kicks, and Heroes-in-Training in the region! Make a stand at All-Con 2010.

Sunday! Stormtroopers take cover... Klingons Qapla' ! For Sunday is the day Superheroes and Super heroine will step into the spotlight at All-Con!

Shed the mild-mannered nature of your secret identity and reveal the hero for the day. Demonstrate to others your values and virtues, and any super powers that are yours to command! (Please do not reveal any powers which may be unsafe to exercise in confined areas or indoors... laser vision, heat breath, sonic scream, etc.)

All-Con welcomes established heroes whom we've all read about and seen on screen. We also looks forward to the introduction of new 'independent' heroes who may not have ever gotten a proper introduction to the great city of Dallas, but who are equally instrumental in the fight against forces of evil and the unjust!

...and if a few Super Villains happen to show up... all the better.

The origin of the 2006 All-Con Super Hero Sunday (last year) comes from a near-miss with the Sci-Fi Channel nearly selecting All-Con as an official tryout location for season 1 of "Who Wants To Be A Super Hero?". After a large promotional effort by the convention to draw in unique heroes, Sci-Fi decided to hold the tryouts elsewhere, but all of our heroes had a blast at All-Con anyway!

Some heroes take themselves very seriously. Others are a bit more comical. Some are just plain spontaneous. All you need a name, a 'costume', and a back story.

Consider the hero "Camera Man". He's a super hero who (temporarily) blinds his foes with a camera flash and then videos their capture. The video is used for evidence, the 'blinding' photo is used as their mug shot, and both are uploaded to the internet as Public Service Announcement crime deterrents. Camera Man's secret identity is a 35 year-old freelance photographer. His secret 'blinding' flash was given to him by a grey alien after a solar eclipse. Camera Man has one super power, which is that he can make his subject briefly stop-and-pose, no matter what crime they're in the midst of committing. His weakness is that the flash is so bright, it goes through batteries after only 2-3 flashes and he has to stop and reload. Worse, he has sweaty palms which often causes him to drop his fresh batteries when reloading in the middle of danger.

(This is an example of a sillier hero, but you get the idea. Anybody can have some fun and do this.)

The Heroes: Values and Virtues pageant involves an indepth interview with your Hero (in character) to learn all about him or her. Typically the best thought out Heroes have come out on top, although improv Heroes have also faired well.

The winner of the All-Con "Heroes: Values and Virtues" pageant will receive the special "Most Honored Hero" trophy for 2010.

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