DJ Vee

DH Vee Cosplay

DJ Vee has been a cosplayer since 2016, and a DJ for over 10 years. She loves bringing the party to any event she attends! Vee is a regular Jill of All Trades, performing in improvisational comedy troupes, creating art and being a full time entrepreneur.






FRI 7:00 PM: Cosplay Drawing Hour (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Cosplayers and artists unite!
Artists: Bring your pencils, sketchbooks or tablets
Cosplayers: Bring your fabulous costumes and some cool poses
Everyone: Bring good vibes

Artists will have the opportunity to draw live cosplay models!

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity


FRI 9:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music


FRI 10:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music


FRI 11:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music


SAT 7:00 PM: Cosplay Drawing Hour (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Cosplayers and artists unite!
Artists: Bring your pencils, sketchbooks or tablets
Cosplayers: Bring your fabulous costumes and some cool poses
Everyone: Bring good vibes

Artists will have the opportunity to draw live cosplay models!

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity


SAT 9:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music


SAT 10:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music


SAT 11:00 PM: Karaoke Party with DJ Vee (Until Midnight)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Bring your friends and belt out your favorite tunes! Don't feel like singing? That's okay too, just come over to dance, hang out and have a good time.

Speaking: DJ Vee

Category: Activity; Music




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