Alex Cano

Geeks 5 Ever



FRI 11:00 AM: A Hill I Would Die On (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Is there a opinion you have that is strong you would die on that hill? Do you believe Goku could have beaten superman? You pour your milk before the cereal? Join us and persuade us to change our minds…

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


FRI 3:00 PM: Those Meddling Kids… (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

This panel will go over the history of Hanna Barbara's most famous mystery solving crew. Mystery Inc. Starting from Where are you to the other shows and games, to the most ''recent'' portrayal of Mystery Inc. Along with fond memories and favorite characters.

Speaking: Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


FRI 5:00 PM: ITS OVER 9000!!! A Dragonball Panel (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Join us as we discuss everything Dragonball from the OG to Super, Daima and Sparking Zero. Also join us as we once again honor the memory of Akira Toriyama who passed in 2024.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


FRI 9:00 PM: Singles Social Gathering: ROCK BAND 4 Edition (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Adult

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Single? Do you wanna hang out and make new friends or find someone to connect with? Join us as we gather with like minded con goers. Also play a round of ROCK BAND 4 on the ps5.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Activity; Gaming


SAT 11:00 AM: Do Anime Fans Secretly Hate Anime (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Are you a anime fan who secretly hates the popular stuff, the new stuff, the og stuff? Do you hate... ummm.... Burrito... Burro... Naruto's son the anime? Join us and find out.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


SAT Noon: Making Your Own Panel 101 (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Have you ever wanted to start hosting panels at conventions? Now sure how to start, apply or even call your panel? We are here to help you build your panel from the ground up.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


SAT 1:00 PM: Ghost Classification 101 (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

The panel is called Ghost Classification 101. Using the Ghostbusters class system, I talk about the famous fictional ghosts and spirits and how they would be classified by that System. Starting from famous ghosts like Casper, and the Ghostly Trio to more malevolent spirits like Sadako and the Flying Dutchman. Breaking down their abilities across different media from comics and movies to cartoons.

Speaking: Alex Cano

Category: Discussion


SAT 8:00 PM: Mental Health Awareness (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Join us as we discuss the importance of mental health and raising awareness in our community.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion; Culture


SAT 10:00 PM: Terrible Fanfiction Reading 18+ (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Mature

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Join us as we read some of the worst fanfiction of all time. From my immortal to diaper goes to taco bell.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Performance


SUN 1:00 PM: It's Morphin Tine!!! A Power Rangers Panel (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Geeks 5 Ever

Are you a fan of a crime fighting team of teenagers with attitude who transform into super heroes? Join us as we uncover the full history of power rangers. From Mighty Morphin to Cosmic Fury. We will even cover the comics and video games.

Speaking: Jesse Briceno; Alex Cano

Category: Discussion




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