J.L. Yarrow
John Yarrow is the big picture guy in the JL Yarrow writing duo. It started back in college days when he lived in a garage apartment, owned no television, was too broke for date night, and had only a little beer money won playing foosball. Bored, he dug into a copy of Conan the Barbarian. It tripped his creative trigger, and he started writing. John built worlds in destinations unknown, full of space battles and quirky characters. His humor, angst, and imagination spilled onto the page between classes and a full-time job.
Flash forward through a long, happy marriage and raising their family. Throughout the years, John's career in Information Technology and his involvement in writer's groups, conferences, and competitions honed his writing hobby into a craft. His imagination still works overtime. John loves to spin a good tale, and he does a mighty fine job of it. He's known for cracking countless 'dad' jokes, never forgets a good line in a movie, and is likely to be found traveling with his bride, playing with the grandkids, fly fishing, four wheeling, or loudly watching football.
The couple's current Time Forward Trilogy project is in full swing, with their first novel, Future's Dark Past, garnering awards, and positive reviews from around the globe. Their follow up book, Future Unfolds, arrives in July 2024, and the final book of the series, Future Impact will be released in Summer of '25.
Website: www.JLYarrow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jlyarrow
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOcVIrgrmUMK39xq7HSAGw
Linktree: linktr.ee/jlyarrowauthor, https://www.tiktok.com/@johnyarrowauthor
FRI 4:00 PM: Hard Sci-Fi vs. Soft Sci-Fi (45 mins.)
Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone
Join us for a lively panel discussion exploring the fuzzy boundaries between hard science fiction, soft science fiction, and science fantasy. Our expert panelists will delve into the challenges of categorizing speculative fiction and debate the relevance of these distinctions in today's literary landscape. Key topics include:
• The role of scientific accuracy in different subgenres • How authors balance scientific and fantastical elements • The impact of marketing on genre classifications • Favorite examples that challenge traditional categories
Whether you're a die-hard hard SF fan or a lover of genre-bending tales, this discussion promises fresh insights into the evolving world of speculative fiction. Don't miss this opportunity to hear diverse perspectives from authors, critics, and fans as we attempt to draw the elusive lines between these captivating subgenres.
Speaking: J.L. Yarrow; Stephen Weller
Category: Discussion; Literature
SAT 1:00 PM: World Building for a Series (45 mins.)
Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone
Join acclaimed authors JL Yarrow, Stephen and Mary Weller (and others) as they delve into the intricacies of world-building for multi-book series. This panel will explore the delicate balance between front-loading world details and allowing organic growth, the pressure of creating immersive universes for long-term readers, and strategies for maintaining consistency while evolving your fictional world. Whether you're planning your first series or looking to enhance your current world-building techniques, this discussion offers invaluable insights from seasoned storytellers. Discover how to craft rich, engaging settings that will keep your readers captivated from the first page to the final book.
Speaking: J.L. Yarrow; Stephen Weller; Mary Weller
Category: Discussion; Literature
SAT 4:00 PM: Writing with a Partner (45 mins.)
Room: MONARCH 2 (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone
Join our panel of authors to learn how to make collaborative writing a partnership, rather than a struggle. How we support each other vs. going after each other. We will explore from both sides of the aisle on how to successfully negotiate that fine line between being friends / partners and writing cohorts!
Speaking: J.L. Yarrow; Stephen Weller; Mary Weller
Category: Discussion; Literature
SUN Noon: Hard Sci-Fi vs. Soft Sci-Fi (45 mins.)
Room: MONARCH (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone
Join us for a lively panel discussion exploring the fuzzy boundaries between hard science fiction, soft science fiction, and science fantasy. Our expert panelists will delve into the challenges of categorizing speculative fiction and debate the relevance of these distinctions in today's literary landscape. Key topics include:
• The role of scientific accuracy in different subgenres • How authors balance scientific and fantastical elements • The impact of marketing on genre classifications • Favorite examples that challenge traditional categories
Whether you're a die-hard hard SF fan or a lover of genre-bending tales, this discussion promises fresh insights into the evolving world of speculative fiction. Don't miss this opportunity to hear diverse perspectives from authors, critics, and fans as we attempt to draw the elusive lines between these captivating subgenres.
Speaking: J.L. Yarrow; Stephen Weller
Category: Discussion; Literature