
Geoffrey Carlton
Geoffrey Carlton developed the collector’s database in 1998 to catalog his personal collection and track packaging and action figure variations.
His first book, Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book (a value and identification guide) was published in 2001 as a stand alone title. By 2010 five editions had been published.
In 2011 a pair of stand alone overview books, one exclusively for Star Wars merchandise and collectibles and the other for Star Wars toys was released which carried the series until it was expanded again in 2021.
Available as complete volumes, The Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book currently includes volume 1 (1977-2011) through volume 4 (2020-2024) with each hardcover book containing over 450 pages in addition to the continuing updated editions of the overview books.
Geoffrey frequents estate sales, antique malls, collector gatherings, fandom conventions, hobby shops, live auctions, and events by invitation where he enthusiastically shares his collecting knowledge and experiences.
Amazon.com: www.amazon.com/s?k=star+wars+super+collector%27s+wish+book&i=stripbooks&s=date-desc-rank&crid=29GYOYHEW7GCS&qid=1701028253&sprefix=star+wars+super+collector%27s+wish+book+%2Cstripbooks%2C92&ref=sr_st_date-desc-rank&ds=v1%3AhNdmsesk7Qxx83zlMJGUI71tekwW0xBHGaLyHutL0yk
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