Rated: Everyone

Category: Activity; Literature

ALL-CON and some of our literary content partners spent the latter part of 2024 collecting gently used current / modern titles, in preparation for our first year of what we envision to be an annual Book Swap feature! For the most part we are looking for a 1:1 swap or 2:1 swap (in your favor) for popular or appropriate titles. We will also have a selection of books where if you didn't bring one to trade you can choose from the stack. Likewise, if you have some books gathering dust and taking up shelf (or box!) space that could go to good and loving homes we are also accepting book donations. If you have some time at the convention and are looking for a little bit of quiet, the Book Swap room (Pecan) is also designated to be a quiet / reading room. Sometimes your choice of ''over 300 events'' is to settle in with a good book and enjoy some peace reading at a convention.




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