JediCole Universe Live!

Rated: Everyone

Category: Discussion

Produced by: Half-Ass Productions

JediCole returns to The JediCole Universe for another year and you are invited to join him! Be a part of ALL-CON's second-longest-running talk show (of four in 21 years*) with all of the timeless antics you have come to expect. This, because you have come to expect that JediCole won't have time to come up with any genuinely new material in time for 2025!

Audience participation is the order of the day as your host and his to-be-announced guests invite you to play along with such features as ''It Came From the Dollar (and a Quarter) Store!,'' the return of ''What Would Comic Book Villains Do?', and the inevitable game show, ''You Can't Win!'' Plus there is that whole challenge to eat some oddball dollar store find along with Cole and friends.

*Fandom at Random DFW, JediCole's Morning After, The JediCole Universe Live, JediCole's Insomnia (in order of first and/or last ALL-CON appearance).


FRI 8:00 PM (45 mins.) Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper)

Speaking: Cole ''JediCole'' Houston




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