Pop Culture Guest

Karen Whitfield [All 4 Days]

The Never Before Told Story of ''Batdriven West'' is about the fascinating life of Karen Whitfield when she met Burt Ward in 1977 and traveled as the Detective Comics Batgirl with Burt, Adam West, and the Caped Crusaders from 1978 to 1984. She was just twenty years old and moved from North Carolina to California. She tells her story of what it was like to get to know the Dynamic Duo in and out of their Superhero identities.

She lived a fairy tale life with Superheroes, Actors, and Actresses. She finally had the heart's desire to tell about the fascinating and incredible journey that helped create who she is today but yet why she hung up her cape and cowl until thirty-five years later.


Comic Collector's Guild:




SAT 6:00 PM: Batgirl throughout The Ages (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Karen Whitfield [All 4 Days]

Speaking: Taffeta Darling

Dive into the life of the Bronze Age Batgirl, Karen Whitfield, as she and her Batgirl friend Taffeta Darling talks about ''Batgirl through the Ages of The Comics, Animated Movies, Video Games and Beyond!'' They will be suited up so come in your favorite Batgirl, Batman, Robin, or Any of the other Bat Family Superheroes, SuperVillains, Or just come as You are!

Category: Discussion



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