Rick Gutierrez

Rediscovering the Magic




FRI Noon: Disney AnonyMOUSE (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Rediscovering the Magic

Rediscovering the Magic is back with a Disney 100th anniversary edition following an extended hiatus! Join your hosts Rick and DeNae as they celebrate the 100th anniversary of Disney!

Speaking: Rick Gutierrez; DeNae Cortez

Category: Discussion


FRI 4:00 PM: MCU Confidential: What Comes Next (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Rediscovering the Magic

After a tumultuous year in the MCU, Marvel has taken a step back and decided to focus on their next film Deadpool 3. But what is coming after that? Rick and Starman will let you know in a lively, open discussion!

Speaking: Rick Gutierrez; Sensei Starman

Category: Discussion


SAT 2:00 PM: Learn to Play Red Dragon Inn! (30 mins.)

Room: PURPLE SAGE (Second Floor) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Rediscovering the Magic

With now over 50 (!) characters, The Red Dragon Inn has grown into a beast of its own! What happens after the dungeon crawl? Why gambling, debauchery, and bar fights of course! Want to learn how to play? Rick will show you how to play his board game obsession for over ten years now!

Speaking: Rick Gutierrez

Category: Activity


SAT 9:00 PM: Learn to Play Unmatched (45 mins.)

Room: TOPAZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Rediscovering the Magic

What is Unmatched? It is an asymmetrical miniature and card game that has a nearly unlimited number of matchups! Velociraptors vs. Harry Houdini? You got it! Daredevil vs. The Invisible Man? Yep! Come and learn how to play this insanely entertaining game!

Speaking: Rick Gutierrez

Category: Activity




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