Malcolm Harris

Relentless Fiction

Malcolm Harris is an award-winning comic book writer/artist, game designer /screenwriter, and pop-culture blogger. One of the few African American pop-culture Icons, Malcolm is a frequent guest at conventions and bookstores and is the imaginative mind behind a world of diverse characters including Youthquake, The Witch Girls, Princess Lucinda and Adventurers Born.An avid, cook, social gamer Larper and all around ''pro-nerd'' , Malcolm is still living the geek dream.





FRI 3:00 PM: Welcome to Relentless Film (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH B (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Relentless Fiction

An introductino to Relentless Film / Fiction and what it is they do in the industry.

Speaking: Malcolm Harris

Category: Discussion


SAT Noon: The Road to Films (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Relentless Fiction

How books, Games comics and more really make it to film and why it's never like the original.

Speaking: Malcolm Harris

Category: Discussion




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